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Кредитный брокер
Motor sound warms the soul – as motor-car enthusiasts talk
What Russian, Ukrainian or Armenian... doesn’t like a rapid ride, question in fact is rhetorical and answer on it is senseless. Who can’t like the roar of engine, squeal of brakes, smell of the burnt rubber on turns, probably one, who likes the quiet measured ride, looking over in the mirror of back firmly squeezing a helm. Or can you like to drive on a cabriolet, when wind blows you from every quarter, bringing sense of freedom and deep satisfaction? Or may be you like to drive on off-road vehicle?
Little and large, aggressive and classic, youth and refined womanlike, «statuses» and «workers»? there are many kinds of them – yes! the question is about cars. It is not simple objects delivering you from point A to B. They have different destinies: for speed, for work, for an image, but all of them are created to give you pleasure, surrounding a comfort and convenience.
How many brands and models appeared in our time, it seems that it is not possible to choose from all of them those unique, which will drive you.
Very often our possibilities do not coincide with our desires. Don’t get upset - bank structures are created for this purpose. There is a great number of banks and plenty of bank products from which it is needed to choose optimum. If you do not want to break a head above it, squander your own time for this – we can help you. «BGT consulting» company will undertake this anxiety.
We pick up you a bank, choose the optimum program of crediting, if necessary, choose similarly for you suitable insurance, evaluation company from companies which have accreditation in a bank. You only need to fill documents in our office – we’ll do all the other things. You don’t need to go to a bank, we’ll do it and save your own time. We conduct negotiations on behalf of the client with the bank’s manager and take failings documents if necessary. Talk process and registration of agreements with the companies of evaluations and insurance, you similarly can shift on our shoulders. Actually we take all your problems, related to the receipt of a loan.
As we value our reputation and high degree of the banks’ loyalty to our company - we provide only high-quality services to our clients.
A minimum list over of necessary documents for the receipt of loan in the Ukrainian banks for buying the apartment is below:
           Xerocopy of passport (husband/wife)
           Xerocopy of certificate about the appropriation of identification number (husband/wife)
           Reference from job for the last 6 months, designed properly (with the monthly laying out, with the presence of date and output number, signature of director and chief accountant of a company, telephone number and address).
If you are working in small and medium entrepreneurship, you must have the following minimum package of documents:
           Xerocopy of testifying of state registration SME, testifying of registration the businessman or testifying of the right to carry on notarial and advocate activity;
           Xerocopy of certificate about registering of payer of taxes (form 4);
           Xerocopy of testifying to payment of the general tax - at the use of the simplified system of taxation;
           Xerocopy of reports of physical person - SME (form 3) for the last 3-4 quarters (depending on a bank).
It is a minimum package of documents, necessary for consideration of your business, the complete package of documents is determined after the choice of the proper bank, in obedience to its requirements to the grant of documents.
Now, we can see who, in opinion of our banks can be a borrower:
           Citizen of Ukraine
           Age of Ukrainians citizen can be from 21 to 60 years, but if a borrower is not 21 ago, some banks give out a loan under the individual programs
           Accordance the basic requirement of bank is a presence of stable profit, sufficient for redemption of sum of a loan and percents on it.
The term of crediting on the new vehicles of transports is from 1 to 7 years, depending on the brand of car and chosen bank:
           ZAZ (Tavriya, Slavuta) to 3 years;
           VAZ, GAS, IZH, AZLK, UAZ, all Chinese and Korean auto to 5 years
           Foreign cars (except Chinese and Korean) to 7 years.
Term of crediting on the used transport vehicles is from 1 to 5 years, depending on the brand of car and selectable bank. Providing of credit is a car. Loan currency can be UAH, dollar USA, EURO and Swiss franc.
The sum of advance payment of buying the car is:
           from 0 to 15 percents depending on the cost of new car;
           from 20 to 35 percents depending on  the cost of used car.
After the receipt of all documents, bank makes the decision about a loan during time from 1 to 3 days, depending on the sum of a loan and chosen bank. Redemption of a credit and percents on it takes place monthly equal parts (anuitet) or in obedience to the graph of redemption of payments (standart).
Potential borrowers also need to take into account that delivery of the loan is accompanied such charges:
           Bank’s commission for delivery of the loan: from 1 to 3 percents from the loan’s size (depending on a bank and chosen type of the loan)
 •          Commission for delivery of available facilities of monies: from 0,3% (depending on a
           Payment of services of insurance company (in obedience to the tariffs of insurance companies accredited in the banks)
           Charges on services of evaluation company (in obedience to the tariffs of companies of evaluations accredited in banks)
           Payment of the notaryservices (in obedience to the cost of the notary services).
«BGT consulting» company will render you assistance not only in the choice of bank and also can help you to select the insurance and evaluation company with the most advantageous terms. The cost of all package of our services is 2% from the sum of the given out loan. Thus our client pays all services of company only after making positive decision about delivery the loan by the bank.
Receipt of a loan is not very difficult, but is troublesome and need more time. Taking into account that a lot of different nuances is satisfied in bank products, and their amount is satisfied large, the Ukrainian banks however can be while compared to the European or American banks which can offer to several hundreds of different products with numberless in a number of nuances. So in Italy, for example, can not give out a loan, on the basis of that a potential borrower on 2 weeks exceeds a time limit payment of communal payments. Fortunately, our banks are not so emphatic and more loyal in relation to clients. Thus, if you want to accelerate the process of receipt the loan, you are a business man who not have spare time for passing paper procrastination and inevitable formalities, or you simply want to facilitate and simplify on your own the process of receipt the loan - we with gladness will help you and will satisfy your queries and wishes so that the best advertising for us in the future will become your recommendations.
We wish the success for your businesses.
With kind regards,
BGT consulting

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